Wisconsin WIC Program >> Milwaukee WIC Clinics >> Aurora Health Care WIC
Aurora Health Care WIC - Milwaukee WIC Clinics
- Name
- Aurora Health Care WIC
- Address
- 1218 W. Kilbourn Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
- Phone Number
- (414) 219-3210
- Fax
- (414) 219-3123
- Operation hours
- Type
- Clinic/Application Site
- Web Site
- https://www.aurorahealthcare.org/
- Services Offered
- Nutrition Education; Nutritious foods; Breastfeeding information and support services; Referrals to other community resources
- Description
- The Women, Infants and Children program provides food and nutrition information to help keep pregnant, breastfeeding women, infants and children under 5 years of age healthy and strong.
- Phone 2
- Contact Person
- WIC Foods
- Fresh Fruits & Vegetables; Canned Fruits; Frozen Fruits; Canned Tomato Products; Canned Vegetables; Frozen Vegetables; Bottled 100% Juice; Frozen 100% Juice; Beans, Peas, Lentils; Peanut Butter; Canned Fish; Cold Cereals; Hot Cereals; 100% Whole Wheat Bread, Buns, Rolls; Brown Rice; Tortillas/Wraps; Milk; Soy Milk; Cheese; Eggs; Infant Cereals; Formulas & Liquid Nutrition Products; Infant Fruits & Vegetables; Infant Meats
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Question by User (3 months ago): Have you had any interactions with the office staff? If so, how was your experience with them?