Oklahoma WIC Program >> Sayre WIC Clinics >> Beckham CHD WIC - Sayre
Beckham CHD WIC - Sayre - Sayre WIC Clinics
- Name
- Beckham CHD WIC - Sayre
- Address
- 115 South Fourth
Sayre, OK 73662
- Phone Number
- (580) 928-5551
- Fax
- (580) 928-9279
- Operation hours
- Type
- Clinic/Application Site
- Web Site
- http://beckham.health.ok.gov/
- Services Offered
- Wholesome Foods; Nutrition Education; Healthcare and Social Service Referrals
- Description
- WIC provides nutritious foods to supplement the diets of women, infants, and children. WIC foods are specifically chosen to provide the nutrients you and your children need
- Phone 2
- Contact Person
- Karen Weaver
- WIC Foods
- Juice; Tofu; Fresh & Frozen Fruits; Fresh & Frozen Vegetables; Whole Grain Bread; Oatmeal; Brown Rice; Bulgur; Soft Corn Tortillas; Whole Wheat Pasta; Whole Wheat Tortillas; Infant Fruits & Vegetables; Infant Meats; Infant Cereal; Infant Formula; Cheese; Eggs; Peanut Butter; Beans or Peas; Fish: Tuna, Salmon Pink or White, Sardines, Chub Mackerel; Milk
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