Florida WIC Program >> Defuniak Springs WIC Clinics >> DeFuniak Springs WIC
DeFuniak Springs WIC - Defuniak Springs WIC Clinics
- Name
- DeFuniak Springs WIC
- Address
- 362 State Hwy 83
DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433
- Phone Number
- (850) 872-4666
- Fax
- Operation hours
- Mon - Wed: 8:30am - 3:30pm
- Type
- Clinic/Application Site
- Web Site
- http://walton.floridahealth.gov/
- Services Offered
- Nutrition Education; Healthy Foods at no cost; Breastfeeding classes, support and breast pump loans; Breastfeeding Hot Line (850) 747-5775; Farmer’s Market Coupons during the growing season; Referrals for Healthcare
- Description
- The Federal Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) provides healthy foods for you, your infant, and your child plus helpful nutrition information – all at no cost for those who qualify. WIC also offers breastfeeding support and referrals to health care, immunizations and other community services.
- Phone 2
- (850) 892-8020
- Contact Person
- wchdwebfeedback@flhealth.gov
- WIC Foods
- Whole Grains; 100% Fruit Juice; Breakfast Cereal; Milk; Fruits and Vegetables; Cheese; Baby Foods; Eggs; Peanut Butter; Light Tuna & Pink Salmon; Beans; Yogurt
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