Colorado WIC Program >> Widefield WIC Clinics >> El Paso County Public Health - Southeast WIC Location

El Paso County Public Health - Southeast WIC Location - Widefield WIC Clinics

  • Name
  • El Paso County Public Health - Southeast WIC Location
  • Address
  • 97 Widefield Blvd.
    Widefield, CO 80911
  • Phone Number
  • (719) 575-8571
  • Fax
  • Operation hours
  • Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 4:15pm
  • Type
  • Clinic/Application Site
  • Services Offered
  • Personalized nutrition consultations; Breastfeeding information, support and referrals; Checks to buy free, healthy food to supplement what you already buy; Referrals for medical and dental care, health insurance, child care, housing, lactation support and other services that can benefit the whole family; Nutrition and health education on a variety of topics, including meal planning, maintaining a healthy weight, picky eaters, caring for a new baby, working and breastfeeding, and shopping on a budget
  • Description
  • We provide qualifying women and children with supplemental food, education on nutrition topics, and referrals to community programs. WIC is funded through a federal grant. Those eligible include pregnant women, new mothers, infants, and children through age 5. WIC clients must have a medical or nutritional reason to qualify. Clients must show proof of identity and residency within El Paso County. WIC clients receive vouchers for nutritious foods such as milk, cheese, eggs, cereal, juice, and dried beans or peanut butter. Topics covered in education appointments include: Breastfeeding, Childhood obesity, Child development, The food pyramid guide, Feeding infants, Nutrition
  • Phone 2
  • Contact Person
  • E-Mail
  • WIC Foods
  • Canned Fish; Eggs; Fruits and Vegetable; Baby Food: Meats, Fresh Bananas, Infant Formula, Fruits and Vegetables, Infant Cereal; Milk; Cheese; Dry Beans, Peas and Lentils; Canned Beans; Peanut Butter; Tofu; Soy Beverage; Whole Grains; Whole Grain Bread; 100% Juice; Breakfast Cereal

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