Oklahoma WIC Program >> Midwest City WIC Clinics >> GRI Midwest City WIC

GRI Midwest City WIC - Midwest City WIC Clinics

  • Name
  • GRI Midwest City WIC
  • Address
  • 7901 NE 10th Street, Suite A-109
    Midwest City, OK 73110
  • Phone Number
  • (405) 582-2286
  • Fax
  • (405) 455-1081
  • Operation hours
  • Mon - Fri
  • Type
  • Clinic/Application Site
  • Services Offered
  • Quality nutrition and breastfeeding education and counseling; Nutritious foods to improve diet and health; Breast pumps to mothers who qualify; Referrals to health and social services
  • Description
  • Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) WIC is a federally funded program administered by the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) through Guiding Right, Inc. (GRI) that provides nutrition education and supplemental foods for those who qualify. The Program's Purpose • To provide specific supplemental foods for good health and nutrition during critical times of growth and development. Foods provided by the program supply calcium, protein, iron, fiber, and vitamins A, D, and C. • To emphasize the relationship between proper nutrition and good health, placing special emphasis on the nutritional needs of pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants and children under five (5) years of age. • To assist the individual who is at nutritional risk in achieving a positive change in food habits, resulting in improved status and in the prevention of nutrition related problems through optimal use of the supplemental foods and other nutritious foods provided.
  • Phone 2
  • Contact Person
  • E-Mail
  • WIC Foods
  • Juice; Tofu; Fresh & Frozen Fruits; Fresh & Frozen Vegetables; Whole Grain Bread; Oatmeal; Brown Rice; Bulgur; Soft Corn Tortillas; Whole Wheat Pasta; Whole Wheat Tortillas; Infant Fruits & Vegetables; Infant Meats; Infant Cereal; Infant Formula; Cheese; Eggs; Peanut Butter; Beans or Peas; Fish: Tuna, Salmon Pink or White, Sardines, Chub Mackerel; Milk

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