Wisconsin WIC Program >> Black River Falls WIC Clinics >> Jackson County WIC

Jackson County WIC - Black River Falls WIC Clinics

  • Name
  • Jackson County WIC
  • Address
  • 420 Highway 54 West
    Black River Falls, WI 54615
  • Phone Number
  • (715) 284-4301
  • Fax
  • (715) 284-7713
  • Operation hours
  • Type
  • Clinic/Application Site
  • Services Offered
  • All participants receive: Screening for nutrition and health needs, Information on how to use WIC foods to improve health, Foods that help keep you and your children healthy and strong, Referrals to doctors, dentists, and programs like FoodShare, Medicaid, BadgerCare Plus, Wisconsin Works (W-2), Head Start and Birth to Three; Women receive: WIC foods, Information on healthy eating during pregnancy and breastfeeding, Help with starting or continuing breastfeeding; Infants receive: Help with starting or continuing breastfeeding, Infant formula, if needed, Immunization referrals, Parents/caregivers receive information on taking care of babies; Children receive: WIC foods, Immunization referrals, Parents/caregivers receive information on food shopping, recipes and feeding a child; Nutrition Education
  • Description
  • WIC is a nutrition program for Women, Infants, and Children. It is a program designed to provide nutrition information and nutritious foods to families. Eligibility for the program is based on income and also on nutritional needs. WIC serves pregnant, breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants and children up to age five. It is designed to improve the diet of pregnant women during the critical times that the baby needs special food. Providing proper nutrition to unborn children and infants can make an important and lifelong difference in the health of that child. The program accomplishes its goals in two ways. First, the registered dietitians of the program review the family's eating habits and provide nutrition information based on individual need. Secondly, nutritious foods are made available. Families are provided assistance through WIC drafts that can be used at approved stores to purchase certain nutritious foods. Participants receive milk, cereal, juice, eggs, and peanut butter or dried peas and beans as well as whole grain foods and for fresh, frozen or canned fruit and vegetables. Infants receive iron-fortified formula and iron fortified infant cereal. Breastfeeding mothers who exclusively breastfeed, receive additional foods such as tuna or salmon, more milk and cheese.
  • Phone 2
  • Contact Person
  • Amy Gunderson
  • E-Mail
  • amy.gunderson@co.jackson.wi.us
  • WIC Foods
  • Fresh Fruits & Vegetables; Canned Fruits; Frozen Fruits; Canned Tomato Products; Canned Vegetables; Frozen Vegetables; Bottled 100% Juice; Frozen 100% Juice; Beans, Peas, Lentils; Peanut Butter; Canned Fish; Cold Cereals; Hot Cereals; 100% Whole Wheat Bread, Buns, Rolls; Brown Rice; Tortillas/Wraps; Milk; Soy Milk; Cheese; Eggs; Infant Cereals; Formulas & Liquid Nutrition Products; Infant Fruits & Vegetables; Infant Meats

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