Missouri WIC Program >> Warrensburg WIC Clinics >> Johnson County Community Health Services WIC - Warrensburg Office
Johnson County Community Health Services WIC - Warrensburg Office - Warrensburg WIC Clinics
- Name
- Johnson County Community Health Services WIC - Warrensburg Office
- Address
- 723 PCA Rd
Warrensburg, MO 64093
- Phone Number
- (660) 747-2012
- Fax
- (660) 747-1294
- Operation hours
- Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 6:00pm
- Type
- Clinic/Application Site
- Web Site
- http://johnsoncountyhealth.org/
- Services Offered
- Nutrition and health education in person or on the Web; Nutrition counseling focused on your needs and concerns; Breastfeeding education and support by trained staff; Breast pumps; Healthful foods that will save the WIC participant $60-$75 each month; Help in finding health care and other community services
- Description
- Everyone loves their unborn baby, infant, child or children and will do whatever they can to make their lives better. Our children depend on and trust us to provide for them. WIC will help you and your family eat healthy and stay well.
- Phone 2
- Contact Person
- WIC Foods
- Cheese; Milk; Goat Milk; Soymilk; Yogurt; Tofu; Eggs; Peanut Butter; Beans; Cold Cereals; Hot Cereals; Fruit Juice - Women; Juice 100% - Children; Bread; Brown Rice; Tortillas; Fruits; Vegetables; Infant Foods (Infant Cereals, Infant Fruits and Vegetables, Infant Formula, Infant Meats); Canned Fish;
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Question by User (4 months ago): Has anyone tried this service before? How was your experience?
Question by User (4 months ago): Have you had any interactions with the office staff? If so, how was your experience with them?