Illinois WIC Program >> Carlinville WIC Clinics >> Macoupin County Public Health Department WIC
Macoupin County Public Health Department WIC - Carlinville WIC Clinics
- Name
- Macoupin County Public Health Department WIC
- Address
- 805 N. Broad St.
Carlinville, IL 62626
- Phone Number
- (217) 854-7272
- Fax
- Operation hours
- Type
- Clinic/Application Site
- Web Site
- Services Offered
- Assessment of nutritional needs; Nutrition counseling and a variety of learning opportunities; Coupons to receive nutritious food (food packages vary depending on certification category); Breastfeeding promotion and support; Hemoglobin Testing; Immunization referral; Access to Blood Lead Testing and Lead Poisoning Education for eligible participants; Referral to Car Seat Check Ups by certified car seat technician; Referral to Healthy Families Illinois Program which is a home visiting program designed for first time moms; Linkage to other important programs; Referrals to other health and social service agencies
- Description
- WIC is a health and nutrition program that helps pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants, and children (up to age five) eat well and stay healthy. To be eligibile for services, a woman must: Live in Macoupin County or Surrounding Areas; Be pregnant, a new mother, or have a child under five years of age; Meet the income guidelines
- Phone 2
- Contact Person
- WIC Foods
- Milk; Juice; Eggs; Cheese; Cereal; Dry Beans or Peas; Peanut Butter
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