Nebraska WIC Program >> Omaha WIC Clinics >> One World WIC - Educare at Indian Hill Elementary School
One World WIC - Educare at Indian Hill Elementary School - Omaha WIC Clinics
- Name
- One World WIC - Educare at Indian Hill Elementary School
- Address
- 3121 U Street
Omaha, NE 68107
- Phone Number
- (402) 502-0352
- Fax
- Operation hours
- 1st Thurs of month: 8:00am - 4:00pm
- Type
- Clinic/Application Site
- Web Site
- Services Offered
- Nutrition and Health Education; Checks to buy healthy foods; Brestfeeding education and support; Refferrals
- Description
- The WIC Program provides supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk. WIC staff includes Registered Dietitians and Nutritionists specializing in prenatal and intraconceptual nutrition, breastfeeding nutrition and support and the prevention of childhood obesity. All staff are bi-lingual in Spanish-English and interpretation services are provided for other languages including hearing impaired clients.
- Phone 2
- Contact Person
- WIC Foods
- Cold Cereals; Hot Cereals; Bread; Brown Rice; Tortillas; Juice (64 oz. Plastic Bottle) For Children; Juice (Pourable Concentrate) For Women; Juice (Frozen) For Women; Beans; Peanut Butter; Eggs; Dairy; Baby Foods; Fruits & Vegetables
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