West Virginia WIC Program
Buckhannon WIC Clinics
Randolph-elkins Health Department Wic - Buckhannon Wic Office
Randolph-elkins Health Department Wic - Buckhannon Wic Office - Buckhannon WIC Clinics
- Name
- Randolph-Elkins Health Department WIC - Buckhannon WIC Office
- Address
- 33 Southfork Plaza Dr.
Buckhannon, WV 26201
- Phone Number
- (304) 472-4714
- Operation hours
- Mon: 8:00am - 6:00pm, Wed: 7:00am - 5:00pm, Thurs: 7:00am - 5:00pm, Fri: 8:00am - 4:00pm
- Type
- Clinic/Application Site
- Services Offered
- Nutrition counseling and education; Breastfeeding promotion and support; Health screening; Medical and social service referrals; Monthly food packages
- Description
- The mission of the West Virginia WIC program is to improve the health of women, infants and children in West Virginia by providing quality nutrition and breastfeeding counseling and education; as well as health monitoring and nutritious foods.
- Contact Person
- Alison Shehl
- E-Mail
- Alison.b.shehl@wv.gov
- WIC Foods
- Cereal; Milk; Cheese; Juice; Eggs; Dry Beans/Canned Beans; Peanut Butter; Whole Grain Bread; Fruits and Vegetables; Canned Fish; Infant Food (Formula, Cereal; Fruit and Vegetables, Meats)
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WIC Resources
- WIC Breast Feeding Support
Breastfeeding is essential in infant development and is recommended by the Women, Infant, and Child Program to be the best way of feeding babies.
- WIC Eligibility Criteria
To qualify for WIC benefits, applicants must meet Categorical, Residential, Income and Nutritional Risk Requirements.