California WIC Program >> Red Bluff WIC Clinics >> Tehama County Health Services Agency - WIC Office - Red Bluff

Tehama County Health Services Agency - WIC Office - Red Bluff - Red Bluff WIC Clinics

  • Name
  • Tehama County Health Services Agency - WIC Office - Red Bluff
  • Address
  • 1850 Walnut St., Suite H
    Red Bluff, CA 96080
  • Phone Number
  • (530) 527-8791
  • Fax
  • Operation hours
  • Type
  • Clinic/Application Site
  • Services Offered
  • Food Instruments (checks) to purchase specific nutritious food; Nutrition and health education groups to promote better health; Individualized nutrition education; Breastfeeding support and education; Referrals to health care and other agencies; Breastpump loan program
  • Description
  • Purpose: To decrease poor birth outcomes and improve the health of participants during critical times of growth and development.
  • Phone 2
  • Contact Person
  • E-Mail
  • WIC Foods
  • Milk; Cheese and Eggs; Soy and Tofu; Whole Grains; Breakfast Cereal; Peanut Butter, Dry Beans, Peas or Lentils, and Canned Mature Beans; Bottled Juice and Concentrate Juice; Fruits and Vegetables; Infant Cereal, Infant Formula, Fresh Bananas, and Infant Fruits and Vegetables; Infant Meats and Canned Fish
Comment from Sharon MT: I can't believe how rude, aggressive, and unkind the supervising employee Jayme Buttke, and her employee "Laura," handled an unexpected first amendment auditor. Should be reprimanded and retrained on how to treat ANY member of the public. Just because one person is recording or taking photos in public - which is completely lawful - that public citizen should not be threatened and hassled. Worried about personal paperwork getting recorded? (which it wasnt) Then take better care of such info! Jeez!
Comment from Stephanie Peterson: This is Stephanie peterson I need to come in to the office and see what is going on with my wic I have no benefits my new number is 530-526-4598 I also have 10cans of enfamil for my son and his doctor prescribed him to b on gentle ease wanting to know if I can exchange them or what I need to do please give me a call or email me thanks in advance Stephanie peterson

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