Arizona WIC Program >> Sells WIC Clinics >> Tohono O’odham Nation WIC
Tohono O’odham Nation WIC - Sells WIC Clinics
- Name
- Tohono O’odham Nation WIC
- Address
- Multi Health Complex, Highway #86
Sells, AZ 85634
- Phone Number
- (520) 383-6217
- Fax
- Operation hours
- Type
- Clinic/Application Site
- Web Site
- Services Offered
- Checks that can be used at the grocery store to buy healthy foods; Information about nutrition and health; Help with breastfeeding your baby; Help in finding health care and other community services; Breastpumps to help you breastfeed even when you return to work
- Description
- WIC is a nutrition program that helps families feed their children healthy foods. WIC provides nutrition information, healthy foods , and help accessing health care to moderate to low-income families. The program is available to families with pregnant women, new mothers, and children under the age of five.
- Phone 2
- Contact Person
- WIC Foods
- Infant Cereal and Formula; Infant Foods; Milk; Milk Alternatives; Yogurt; Cheese; Juice; Fruits and Vegetables; Dry Legumes, Peanut Butter and Eggs; Canned Beans; Canned Fish; Cereal; Whole Grains
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Question by User (3 months ago): Has anyone tried this service before? How was your experience?
Question by User (3 months ago): Have you had any interactions with the office staff? If so, how was your experience with them?
Question by Ashlon (4 months ago): hello, my name is ashlon, I'm expecting a newborn this year 2024, and I was hoping to see if breast pumps are available from the wic program. I am a tribal member and have used wic before for my 3previous children