WIC Program >> New Mexico WIC Clinics
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The ACL WIC program provides growing families with the education and nutritious foods needed to keep your family strong. An on-site nutritionist will provide education on the nutritional needs from pregnancy through your child's growth. Breastfeeding Peer Counselors will provide education through your pregnancy through your breastfeeding journey. Peer Counselors will also provide assistance through any breastfeeding hurtles you may come across. The nutritious food we provide starts with your pregnancy and continues for Mom for a full year if she is exclusively breastfeeding. If Mom decides to formula feed we provide the formula baby should need for a full year. We are here to help whether you are breastfeeding or formula feeding, we are here for you. The ACL WIC program provides the above services to the women, infant and children in the communities of Laguna, Acoma, and Canoncito. We also are able to provide WIC services to all ethnic groups in the surrounding communities of Laguna, Acoma and Canoncito. Everyone is welcome to join our program and benefit from the services we provide.
Navajo Women, Infants, and Children Program is Committed to the Health and Well-Being of the Navajo People.
Navajo Women, Infants, and Children Program is Committed to the Health and Well-Being of the Navajo People.
After 30 years, the federal Women, Infant and Children (WIC) Program has revised its food package to reflect current nutrition standards, cultural realities and available food choices. The Five Sandoval Indian Pueblos (FSIP) WIC program is excited about implementing these improvements and is preparing to educate WIC participants about them. The new food package includes most of the Institute of Medicine’s recommendations and is consistent with the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the American Academy of Pediatrics infant feeding guidelines. The FSIP WIC program will implement the new food package by October 1, 2009. The new food package will include a variety of new choices. The new foods that will be distributed by WIC were chosen because they provide specific nutrients to aid in proper growth and development. In addition to improving the choices of foods for the culturally diverse FSIP WIC population, the food changes are intended to reinforce WIC’s current nutrition education goals: Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables; Increase the consumption of whole grains; Lower fat in the diet; Promote and support breastfeeding as the preferred method of infant nutrition.
Navajo Women, Infants, and Children Program is Committed to the Health and Well-Being of the Navajo People.
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