California WIC Program >> Alameda WIC Clinics

Alameda WIC Clinics

Below are WIC Clinics and Programs in Alameda

Native American Health Center - Alameda WIC

677 W. Ranger Ave, Alameda CA 94501

WIC is a supplemental nutrition program for Women, Infants, and Children providing nutritious food (via prescriptive checks), individual counseling and nutrition education, breastfeeding promotion and support, and referrals to other needed services to at-risk, low-to-moderate income women and children up to the age of five. Native American Health Center WIC provides our services in 4 languages: English, Spanish, Mam & Vietnamese. We have an extensive breastfeeding program to help promote, educate, and support breastfeeding in individual and group settings. In addition to this, we also have Breastfeeding Peer Counselors that support breastfeeding mothers and their babies. Our program also offers electric pumps for working mothers and those who are going back to school. WIC provides families with healthy food vouchers which include: milk, cheese, eggs, whole grains, cereal, beans or peanut butter, juice, vegetables, and fruits. WIC also helps families connect to other resources in Alameda County and San Francisco County to support overall health of families.

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Question by User (3 months ago): Has anyone tried this service before? How was your experience?

Question by User (3 months ago): Have you had any interactions with the office staff? If so, how was your experience with them?

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