New York WIC Program >> Au Sable Forks WIC Clinics

Au Sable Forks WIC Clinics

Below are WIC Clinics and Programs in Au Sable Forks

Essex County WIC Program - WIC Au Sable Forks

26 School Lane, Au Sable Forks NY 12912

WIC is a supplemental Food and Nutrition Program designed for families with income eligible Women (pregnant or postpartum/breastfeeding), Infants, and Children to the age of 5. WIC also helps fathers of young children, grandparents, and foster parents whoa re the legal guardians of young children. The program improves the health of pregnant women, new Mothers, infants and children.

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Question by User (4 months ago): Has anyone tried this service before? How was your experience?

Question by User (4 months ago): Have you had any interactions with the office staff? If so, how was your experience with them?

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