Missouri WIC Program >> Aurora WIC Clinics

Aurora WIC Clinics

Below are WIC Clinics and Programs in Aurora

Lawrence County Health Department WIC - Aurora WIC Office

203 S. Washington, Aurora MO 65605

WIC serves pregnant women, non-breastfeeding postpartum women (up to 6 months after delivery or termination of the pregnancy), breastfeeding women (up to 1 year after delivery as long as they are breastfeeding the baby), infants from birth up to 1 year of age, and children up to their 5th birthday. The goal of WIC is to improve nutritional health of participants. To meet this goal, the WIC program provides nutrition education, breastfeeding promotion and support, medical care referrals and nutritious foods that are high in protein and iron.

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Question by User (4 months ago): Has anyone tried this service before? How was your experience?

Question by User (4 months ago): Have you had any interactions with the office staff? If so, how was your experience with them?

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