New York WIC Program >> Bainbridge WIC Clinics

Bainbridge WIC Clinics

Below are WIC Clinics and Programs in Bainbridge

Opportunities for Chenango, Inc. WIC - Bainbridge

15 Main St., Bainbridge NY 13733

The Federal Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) provides nutritious foods to pregnant, post partum and breast feeding women and children up to age 5. Eligibility is based on income and a family of 4 may earn up to $44,123 annually and receive WIC benefits. Food checks are redeemed at the local grocery store for milk, bread, cheese, eggs, peanut butter, brown rice, beans, juice and cereal. Infants may receive formula, jars of baby food, and cereal. Along with WIC foods, families receive nutrition education and referrals to other resources within the community. WIC encourages breast feeding and two WIC employees are Certified Lactation Counselors who provide instruction and follow-up to 300 WIC participants each month. Additional WIC foods (tuna fish, carrots and beans) are provided for breast feeding mothers. Each month 70% of all post partum women receiving WIC benefits are breast feeding. The Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program provides one mom with BF experience from the community who is committed to supporting others who choose to BF. Her own experiences allow her to connect with and assist WIC moms in a way that health professionals cannot. She builds a sense of trust and rapport with the WIC families she follows. WIC participates in the New York State Farmers' Market program each summer. WIC participants receive checks to be cashed at local Farmers' Markets for nutritious fruits and vegetables. Nutrition information is provided at the WIC office on the selection and preparation of fresh produce. WIC services are available at six locations throughout Chenango County. Norwich is the largest location, providing evening clinics every Thursday night. WIC employees travel to Greene, New Berlin, Afton, Sherburne and Bainbridge in order to reach all eligible families within the county. WIC participates in all local health fairs and community events in order to increase interest and participation in the WIC program.

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Question by User (4 months ago): Has anyone tried this service before? How was your experience?

Question by User (4 months ago): Have you had any interactions with the office staff? If so, how was your experience with them?

WIC Resources