Montana WIC Program >> Butte WIC Clinics
Below are WIC Clinics and Programs in Butte
This program provides supplemental nutrition to low income, pregnant, lactating, and postpartum women, infants, and children up to age five. The program is designed to improve health outcomes and influence lifetime nutrition and health behaviors in a targeted, at risk population. This is done through: Nutritional screening, education, and counseling to improve eating behaviors and reduce or eliminate nutrition problems in persons identified at 175% of the federal poverty level or below; Monitoring growth patterns of infants with a focus on first year of life and continues through five years of age; Providing access to preventative health programs and referrals to private or public health care providers; Providing checks for the purchase of selected foods to supplement diets lacking in nutrients needed during critical growth and development; Providing blood lead screening of all pregnant women and enrolled children as well as any resident in Butte-Silver Bow referred by a local physician or health care provider; Referring clients with elevated blood lead levels to the Residential Metals Abatement Program
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