North Carolina WIC Program >> Charlotte WIC Clinics

Charlotte WIC Clinics

Below are WIC Clinics and Programs in Charlotte

Mecklenburg County - WIC Clanton

801 Clanton Rd., Suite C-110, Charlotte NC 28217

WIC provides basic nutrition services to eligible pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, as well as infants and children, including: issuance of monthly food package (baby formula, milk, cheese, eggs, juice, cereal, dried beans or peanut butter), fruits, vegetables, brown rice, whole wheat bread, tortillas, tofu and jar baby food; vouchers redeemable at participating NC stores; provision of nutritional education, and; coordination with Health Department clinics or private healthcare providers in the community.

Mecklenburg County - WIC Ea?st ??Charlotte

5624 Executive Center Drive., Charlotte NC 28212

WIC provides basic nutrition services to eligible pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, as well as infants and children, including: issuance of monthly food package (baby formula, milk, cheese, eggs, juice, cereal, dried beans or peanut butter), fruits, vegetables, brown rice, whole wheat bread, tortillas, tofu and jar baby food; vouchers redeemable at participating NC stores; provision of nutritional education, and; coordination with Health Department clinics or private healthcare providers in the community.

Mecklenburg County WIC - Northwest Campus

2845 Beatties Ford Rd., Charlotte NC 28216

WIC provides basic nutrition services to eligible pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, as well as infants and children, including: issuance of monthly food package (baby formula, milk, cheese, eggs, juice, cereal, dried beans or peanut butter), fruits, vegetables, brown rice, whole wheat bread, tortillas, tofu and jar baby food; vouchers redeemable at participating NC stores; provision of nutritional education, and; coordination with Health Department clinics or private healthcare providers in the community.

Mecklenburg County WIC - Southeast Campus

249 Billingsley Rd., Charlotte NC 28211

WIC provides basic nutrition services to eligible pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, as well as infants and children, including: issuance of monthly food package (baby formula, milk, cheese, eggs, juice, cereal, dried beans or peanut butter), fruits, vegetables, brown rice, whole wheat bread, tortillas, tofu and jar baby food; vouchers redeemable at participating NC stores; provision of nutritional education, and; coordination with Health Department clinics or private healthcare providers in the community.

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Question by User (3 months ago): Has anyone tried this service before? How was your experience?

Question by User (3 months ago): Have you had any interactions with the office staff? If so, how was your experience with them?

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