California WIC Program >> Fort Bragg WIC Clinics

Fort Bragg WIC Clinics

Below are WIC Clinics and Programs in Fort Bragg

County of Mendocino WIC Program - Ft. Bragg Office

120 West Fir Street, Fort Bragg CA 95437

A federally funded nutritional program for low-to-moderate income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants and children to the age of five years who are at nutritional risk. WIC is unique in that it provides specific supplemental nutritious foods and nutrition education to a specific target population as an adjunct to ongoing health care. The purpose of the WIC program is to prevent health problems and to improve the health of program participants during critical times of growth and development.

WIC Resources

  • WIC Breast Feeding Support
    Breastfeeding is essential in infant development and is recommended by the Women, Infant, and Child Program to be the best way of feeding babies.
  • WIC Eligibility Criteria
    To qualify for WIC benefits, applicants must meet Categorical, Residential, Income and Nutritional Risk Requirements.