Pennsylvania WIC Program >> Girard WIC Clinics
Below are WIC Clinics and Programs in Girard
WIC is the special nutritional program that provides: nutrition education and counseling, FREE nutritious foods and formula, breast-feeding support and counseling, immunization check-ups, referrals and recommendations for addressing family well-being concerns. Regarding the latter, WIC enjoys coordinating cooperation with many other agencies in Erie County. WIC has been in Erie County since 1973 and continues to operate under the UNFHCC (United Neighborhood Facilities Health Care Corporation). The United Neighborhood Facilities Health Care Corporations’ Erie County WIC Program’s Mission is in tandem with that of the Pennsylvania WIC Program. Our Mission, then, is to “improve the health and well-being of eligible pregnant women, new mothers, infants and children to the age of 5. We address that mission by “providing nutrition education breastfeeding support, healthy foods and referrals to other health and social resources in the community - during the critical stages of fetal and early childhood development.” Our Mission, then inspires us to promote and welcome networking with many sister human service agencies in Erie County and Crawford County - so that all families enduring economic and social hardship can access help in a timely, efficient manner.
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