California WIC Program >> Groveland WIC Clinics
Below are WIC Clinics and Programs in Groveland
WIC serves: All foster children under five years old who meet eligibility requirements; Breastfeeding women up to one year postpartum; All documented/undocumented persons in a family who meet eligibility requirements (their application or legal status will not be jeopardized in any way); Grandparents or guardians may receive vouchers for eligible infants and children under five; Infants and children under five years old; Non-breastfeeding women up to six months postpartum; Pregnant women; Single fathers may receive vouchers for eligible infants / children. WIC is an income based program. To qualify, you must meet the income guidelines or the person for whom you are applying must have active Medi-Cal, food stamps, or TANF.
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Question by User (3 months ago): Have you had any interactions with the office staff? If so, how was your experience with them?