Oklahoma WIC Program >> Holdenville WIC Clinics

Holdenville WIC Clinics

Below are WIC Clinics and Programs in Holdenville

Hughes CHD WIC

200 Mcdougal Drive, Holdenville OK 74848

The WIC Program in Hughes County provides specific supplemental foods for good health and nutrition during critical times of growth and development. Foods provided by the program supply calcium, protein, iron, and vitamins A, D, and C. WIC provides nutrition education to participants at no cost. Nutrition education is designed to be easily understood by participants and to bear a practical relationship to participant nutritional needs, household situations, and cultural preferences.

WIC Resources

  • WIC Breast Feeding Support
    Breastfeeding is essential in infant development and is recommended by the Women, Infant, and Child Program to be the best way of feeding babies.
  • WIC Eligibility Criteria
    To qualify for WIC benefits, applicants must meet Categorical, Residential, Income and Nutritional Risk Requirements.