Missouri WIC Program >> Montgomery City WIC Clinics
Below are WIC Clinics and Programs in Montgomery City
The Women, Infants and Children program (WIC) is a special supplemental nutrition program with a strong emphasis on education about nutrition-based health. The program provides nutrition education, screening, risk assessment, and counseling to pregnant women, new mothers, infants, and children up to five years old. WIC also provides checks to help with the purchase of nutritious supplemental foods like milk, eggs, cheese, juice, cereal, peanut butter, peas, and/or dry beans at several local businesses. New mothers who are breastfeeding may receive an enhanced food package. WIC provides breastfeeding support and dental health education. Staff also provide referrals for childhood immunizations, blood lead testing and mental health services. WIC is available to individuals who meet income guidelines and are determined by health professionals to be at nutritional risk. An unborn child is counted as a member of the family when eligibility is determined. WIC Clinics are held each Wednesday from 8:30 am- 4:30 pm, with late appointments available the first Wednesday of each month until 5:30 pm. Call (573) 564-2495 for an appointment. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
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