Alabama WIC Program >> Oneonta WIC Clinics

Oneonta WIC Clinics

Below are WIC Clinics and Programs in Oneonta

Blount County Health Department WIC Clinic

1001 Lincoln Avenue, Oneonta AL 35121

The Blount County Health Department offers the WIC Program as a smart idea for better health! WIC is a special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children. It is also a program that provides nutritional information on how to feed healthy foods to your family. Pregnant women and children ages one to five years old may get milk, eggs, cheese, juice, cereal, dried beans and peas or peanut butter. Fresh fruits and vegetables have just been added to the list. Infants may get formula if not totally breastfed, along with infant cereal, baby fruit, and vegetables. The Peer Counseling Program is an exciting part of WIC. Blount County’s Peer Counselors provide encouragement to WIC moms during their pregnancies and continue to support the mothers while they are breastfeeding their babies. Families who qualify for Medicaid, food stamps, and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), already income-qualify for WIC. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, had a baby within the last six months or have children less than five years old, please contact the Blount County Health Department to find out if you would qualify for our WIC program. To be eligible for WIC, you must: meet income guidelines; be a resident of Alabama; have a nutrition need, which will be determined by a health professional at the WIC clinic.

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