Indiana WIC Program >> Oxford WIC Clinics

Oxford WIC Clinics

Below are WIC Clinics and Programs in Oxford

Benton County WIC

105 S. Howard Street, Oxford IN 47971

WIC is a special supplemental food program that provides nutrition support, breastfeeding support, and referrals to other agencies. To apply for WIC one must be pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a child under the age of 5. The applicant must also have a nutritional risk and meet income guidelines. Current guidelines are set at 185% of poverty. For example, a family of 4, annual gross income would have to be less than or equal to $43,568. WIC applicants can visit the clinic in their community to enroll in the program. Once enrolled, participants will pick up WIC checks at their local clinic. Please call your local clinic to schedule an appointment. Proof of income, identification, and proof of residency must accompany individuals at their scheduled appointment. At the appointment an applicant will receive nutrition support and learn about other services they can use to help their family.

WIC Resources

  • WIC Breast Feeding Support
    Breastfeeding is essential in infant development and is recommended by the Women, Infant, and Child Program to be the best way of feeding babies.
  • WIC Eligibility Criteria
    To qualify for WIC benefits, applicants must meet Categorical, Residential, Income and Nutritional Risk Requirements.