Virginia WIC Program >> Richmond WIC Clinics
Below are WIC Clinics and Programs in Richmond
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children is funded through the U.S. Department of Agriculture and is operated through local health departments and satellite and mobile clinics in Virginia. WIC provides high-quality nutritional care and food to our participants. The program provides milk, cheese, eggs, juice, cereal, dried beans or peas, peanut butter and iron-fortified formula that supply crucial nutrients such as protein, iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C essential to maintain health. WIC provides breastfeeding education during pregnancy and breastfeeding support after delivery. Individual counseling and group classes on breastfeeding are available for clients. For breastfeeding questions and concerns Breastfeeding Peer Counselors are available during normal office hours.
WIC is a special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children. participants receive nutrition education and an eWIC card to buy nutritious foods and supplemental infant formula. However, breastfeeding is the preferred method of feeding. That is why WIC is here to support you by offering breastfeeding support groups, classes, supplies and best of all, knowledge and wisdom from our Breastfeeding Peer Counselors.
WIC is a special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children. participants receive nutrition education and an eWIC card to buy nutritious foods and supplemental infant formula. However, breastfeeding is the preferred method of feeding. That is why WIC is here to support you by offering breastfeeding support groups, classes, supplies and best of all, knowledge and wisdom from our Breastfeeding Peer Counselors.
WIC is a special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children. participants receive nutrition education and an eWIC card to buy nutritious foods and supplemental infant formula. However, breastfeeding is the preferred method of feeding. That is why WIC is here to support you by offering breastfeeding support groups, classes, supplies and best of all, knowledge and wisdom from our Breastfeeding Peer Counselors.
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