North Carolina WIC Program >> Shelby WIC Clinics
Below are WIC Clinics and Programs in Shelby
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children - better known as the WIC Program - serves to safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, & children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care. The Cleveland County Health Department WIC Program provides nutrition education and free supplemental food to low income pregnant, post-partum and breastfeeding mothers as well as families with children under five years of age. Participants are screened to determine that they are at a nutritional risk. WIC is for pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, infants and children up to five years of age. If you have Medicaid or Food Stamps you automatically qualify for WIC. To be eligible on the basis of income, applicants’ gross income (i.e. before taxes are withheld) must fall at or below 185 percent of the U.S. Poverty Income Guidelines.
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