Pennsylvania WIC Program >> Turtle Creek WIC Clinics
Below are WIC Clinics and Programs in Turtle Creek
WIC (Women, Infants and Children) serves income-eligible and medically or nutritionally at-risk pregnant women, breastfeeding and bottle-feeding mothers, infants and children up to the age of five. WIC offers nutrition counseling, breastfeeding support, and food vouchers redeemable at participating grocery stores for infant formula, milk, eggs, cheese, cereal, juices and other nutritious foods. The WIC Program is a health and supplemental nutrition program for pregnant women; breastfeeding women up to 12 months postpartum; non-breastfeeding women up to 6 months post-partum; infants and children up to 5 years of age who have a medical/nutritional risk and meet financial eligibility criteria. Funding is provided by the United States Department of Agriculture. WIC is administered by the Department of Health at the State level, and the Allegheny County Health Department at the local level.
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