Illinois WIC Program >> Washington Park WIC Clinics

Washington Park WIC Clinics

Below are WIC Clinics and Programs in Washington Park

East Side Health District WIC - Washington Park

5540 Bunkum Road, Washington Park IL 62204

WIC is a Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) designed to help you and your family build healthy eating and living habits that will last a lifetime. It helps to promote and maintain the health and well-being of nutritionally at-risk pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants and children. WIC provides supplemental nutritious foods, nutrition and breastfeeding information, and referral to other health and nutrition services. WIC promotes and supports breastfeeding.

WIC Resources

  • WIC Breast Feeding Support
    Breastfeeding is essential in infant development and is recommended by the Women, Infant, and Child Program to be the best way of feeding babies.
  • WIC Eligibility Criteria
    To qualify for WIC benefits, applicants must meet Categorical, Residential, Income and Nutritional Risk Requirements.